This video is part of a previous streaming program and unfortunately no longer available online.
GER 1999, directed by Maren-Kea Freese, 79 min, rated: 12
“Zoe comes and goes – she just does whatever she pleases.” Without a fixed place to stay, her sparse belongings stowed in a few plastic bags, and a record collection under her arm, 25-year-old Zoe wanders around town, deejays in small clubs, and annoys old and new friends with her need for independence. The film portrays an uncompromising young woman whose precarious existence reflects rough, makeshift Berlin at the turn of the millennium.
Featuring: Kirsten Hartung, André Meyer, Eva Weißenborn, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Sólveig Arnarsdóttir, Rüdiger Rudolf, Volkmar Röhler