This video is part of a previous streaming program and unfortunately no longer available online.
The Cat Has Nine Lives
Neun Leben hat die Katze, FRG 1968, directed by Ula Stöckl, 91 min, rated: 18
Munich in the summer of 1967. Journalist Katharina is visited by her French friend Anne. They go on outings, sit in cafés, visit friends, and hang out at parties. Their conversations revolve around love and freedom, affairs and money. Documentary-style scenes are intercut with associative, surreal inserts. This enthralling reverie in Cinemascope and Technicolor is considered Germany’s first feminist film.
Featuring: Liane Hielscher, Christine de Loup, Jürgen Arndt, Antje Ellermann, Alexander Kaempfe, Elke Kummer, Hartmut Kirste, Wolfgang von Ungern-Sternberg, Heidi Stroh