Photo: Christian Lietzmann / Netzwerk Berufswahl-SIEGEL
Children and families
Education and Outreach
+49 30 300903-622
bildung [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (bildung[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)Booking and information
Museumsdienst Berlin
+49 30 24749-888
museumsdienst [at] kulturprojekte.berlin (museumsdienst[at]kulturprojekte[dot]berlin)
The Kinemathek as an experience for the whole family: Visitors of all ages can explore the medium of film and its history together and even create their own films.
Please note that due to the relocation to our new premises, we are currently offering a limited program, including hands-on film workshops. Unfortunately, individual bookings are not possible at this time.