Photo: Andreas Nenninger
We’ve moved!
Current information
Our address at E-Werk
Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Mauerstraße 79
10117 Berlin
Our museum at Potsdamer Platz is closed as we have moved to our new location, the E-Werk. Unfortunately, visits are not possible at the moment.
What does our move mean for...
...the Permanent Exhibition
The permanent exhibition was open until 31 October 2024. The Television Media Library and all other exhibitions are are no longer accessible.
...the Archives and Film Distribution
The archives are currently closed and are expected to reopen in the second or third quarter of 2025. Further information will be provided soon.
Screenings are currently not possible. All returns of film and distribution copies (35mm, 16mm, DVD/Blu-ray) should be sent directly to our film storage at Imhoffweg. Returns of DCPs are not affected by this.
...the Library
The library is currently closed. It will reopen on 6 May 2025. For up-to-date information, please visit the library page or check the catalog/OPAC.
...the Education Program
Currently, only a very limited number of educational programs are being offered. Public workshops, studio talks, and city walks are still taking place—please check our calendar (in German) for the latest events. Starting in autumn 2025, we will once again offer a wide range of programs. Unfortunately, group bookings are currently only available to a very limited extent.
For information and advice regarding our current educational and mediation offerings, please contact our partner:
Museum Service Berlin
+49 30 247 49-888
museumsdienst [at] kulturprojekte.berlin (museumsdienst[at]kulturprojekte[dot]berlin)
...the Filmhaus
Rentals are currently not available. The Dussmann museum shop and the museum restaurant Ki-Nova are permanently closed.
2025 Outlook: Kinemathek at the E-Werk
Stay tuned
Subscribe to our newsletter (in German) to stay informed about the latest developments, events, and programs. One thing is for sure: there will be plenty happening!
Starting in 2025, we will continue our work at the E-Werk, our temporary base until the completion of a planned film house. This historically significant transformer station was a central hub of industrial development in turn-of-the-century Berlin and a highlight of club culture in the 1990s. We are excited to soon be able to present film and television culture in this industrial monument.

Listed counter area
Photo: Andreas Nenninger
In autumn 2025, we plan to reopen with an inaugural exhibition. Our library, archives, and collections are expected to be accessible again starting in the second quarter of 2025. The large hall on the ground floor and the former ticket hall will provide a spectacular setting for experimental formats. Series such as “Filmspotting”, “Fernsehsalon”, “Aus dem Fernseharchiv”, the “Film Restored” Film Heritage Festival and various educational offerings will be presented here. Existing partnerships, such as the one with the Berlinale, will continue at the E-Werk.

Interior view from the premises of the E-Werk
Photo: Andreas Nenninger
Screenings and presentations of films will be possible in a planned cinema. Collections such as the Photo Archive, Document Archive, the Personal Papers and Company Archives and parts of the Marlene Dietrich Archive will still be accessible at our temporary base. We will continuously restore and digitize films, allowing the film distribution service to expand its portfolio – thus remaining actively engaged and open to all.