Press conference at the Berlinale 1994
Photo/©: Marian Stefanowski
Heidi Berit Zapke
+49 30 300903-820
Fax: +49 30 300903-13
presse [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (presse[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)
Here on the press pages of the Deutsche Kinemathek, you’ll find information and pictures from exhibitions and events.
Press folders about current and past exhibitions can be downloaded. You’ll find exhibition reviews on the web pages devoted to the individual exhibitions.
Under “press photos”, you can download images from the permanent and special exhibitions. A password is required: please contact our press office to receive your password.
Press distribution list
If you are interested in receiving press information about our exhibits, film programs, publications and events, please simply contact us together with an indication of the medium in which you work.
presse [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (Send an e-mail)Press releases
23 September 2020
Press preview tour “Close-up. The Film Costumes of Barbara Baum”
Download (PDF) -
21 September 2020
Close-up. The Film Costumes of Barbara Baum
14 September 2020
Film Restored
12 May 2020
Reopenening of the Deutsche Kinemathek on 14 May 20
13 March 2020
The Deutsche Kinemathek will be closed for visitors through Tuesday, 21 Apr
19 February 2020
Glimpses into the archives: The Jerry Lewis archive at the Deutsche Kinemathek
29 January 2020
Be Caligari! The Virtual Cabinet
Press folders
10 October 2023
24 August 2022
Werner Herzog
8 June 2022
Perspectives of Ukrainian Cinema
Frame by Frame
Be Caligari!
Burn Marks
Modern Cinema
Between the Films
Press photographs
Press photographs
Does the museum grant free entry to the press?
Holders of a valid press badge are granted free entry to the Museum für Film und Fernsehen. Please present your badge at the ticket office.
To whom may I address a press inquiry?
Please direct your press inquiries to our press office: by e-mail presse [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (presse[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de) or by phone +49 30 300903-820, to Heidi Berit Zapke. You will recieve a response as soon as possible.
Whom do I contact with an interview or expert request?
Please direct your interview or expert request to our press office: by e-mail presse [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (presse[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de) or by phone +49 30 300903-820, to Heidi Berit Zapke.
Where do I apply for a filming permit?
Filming and photography cannot be undertaken in the Deutsche Kinemathek without prior registration and approval. Please contact presse [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (presse[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de).
What fees will I be charged for on-site filming and photography?
Fees for filming and photography vary from project to project and are caluculated based on the work involved for the museum. Upon receipt of your completed application, we can inform you of the exact amount. No permit can be issued without payment. The fee is non-negotiable, and no additional or hidden fees are payable upon completion of photography.