Press preview tour: “Werner Herzog,” 24 August 2022
Press release, 16 Aug 22
Deutsche Kinemathek
Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Potsdamer Straße 2
10785 Berlin
Press contact
Heidi Berit Zapke
hbzapke [at] (hbzapke[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)
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Press release
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press,
On the occasion of the “Werner Herzog” exhibition opening, we cordially invite you to attend the press preview on Wednesday, August 24, 2022, 11 am, at the Deutsche Kinemathek.
10:30 The exhibition space is open for individual (preview) viewing, 2nd + 4th upper levels (2. + 4. OG)
11:00 Press Talks with the Team of Curators, 4th upper level
Welcome: Friederike Zobel (head of Communications, Deutsche Kinemathek)
Rainer Rother (Artistic director, Deutsche Kinemathek)
Kristina Jaspers (Curator, Deutsche Kinemathek)
Georg Simbeni (Media curator, Deutsche Kinemathek)
Video greeting: Werner Herzog
11:30 Press Tour through the “Werner Herzog” exhibition with the team of curators, 2nd + 4th upper levels
Guest: Lucki Stipetić, Werner Herzog Stiftung
Opportunities for interviews are available.
Viewing copies and pdfs of the catalogue will be available at the Press Preview. Press copy catalogue orders are gladly accepted on site (nominal fee: 6 €).
Please register for the Press Preview:
presse [at] (presse[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)
Location: Deutsche Kinemthek, 4th upper level, Potsdamer Straße 2, 10785 Berlin,
Exhibition Opening at 7 pm with guests from the film industry and Werner Herzog’s production circle
Speakers: Rainer Rother, Pepe Danquart, Kristina Jaspers, Klara Hobza
Video greeting: Werner Herzog
The exhibition is accessible to museum visitors as of 7 pm, with free admission.
Press Release from June 29, 2022:…