Berlinale Camera 2025 for Rainer Rother
Deutsche Kinemathek
Museum für Film und Fernsehen
Mauerstraße 79
10117 BerlinPressekontakt
Heidi B. Zapke
T +49 (0)30 300 903-820
hbzapke [at] (hbzapke[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)
Rainer Rother’s career in the field of film education and film studies spans over 40 years. Since 2006, he has been the artistic director of the Deutsche Kinemathek, where he has curated exhibitions and developed initiatives, such as financial support for the digitization of German film heritage. He also heads the Retrospective film history program at the Berlin International Film Festival (IFB).
Past Retrospectives include “Weimar Cinema — seen anew” (2018) and “Self-Determined — Perspectives from Women Filmmakers” (2019), as well as the special series “Winter Adé” (2009). Since 2013, Rother has also curated the Classics program of the Berlin International Film Festival. He has been associated with IFB since 2001 and served on its Competition selection committee until 2019. In 2025 he will leave his position. The Berlinale Camera honors his achievements.
He combines in-depth knowledge of film history with expertise in how to communicate it. His numerous publications include ‘No Angels — Mae West, Rosalind Russell, Carole Lombard’ (2021), the book accompanying the eponymous Retrospective in 2022, and the monograph Zeitbilder. Filme des Nationalsozialismus (2019). Most recently, he oversaw work on the compendium ‘Der deutsche Film. Aus den Archiven der Deutschen Kinemathek’ (2024).
His far-sightedness in film and cultural policy as well as his close ties with the film industry and international film archives are unique. This is reflected, among other things, in the relations he has forged between the Deutsche Filmakademie and the Fédération Internationale des Archives du Film (fiaf), whose conference will be held once again in Germany in 2027 after an interval of more than 40 years.
We cordially congratulate you.
Award ceremony: 20 Feb 2025, 2:30pm, Academy of Arts, Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin
Followed by the film screening: ‘Yella’ (GER 2007, directed by Christian Petzold)
The Deutsche Kinemathek receives funding from the German Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media.