‘Golden Eighties’, BE, FR, CH 1986, directed by Chantal Akerman
Quelle: Cinémathèque royale de Belgique - Cinematek
Film Restored – The Film Heritage Festival
Information about this year’s festival
Discover the program of this year’s festival “For real?!” here.
General information
filmrestored [at] deutsche-kinemathek.de (filmrestored[at]deutsche-kinemathek[dot]de)
Festival brochure
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The fifth anniversary of the Film Heritage Festival Film Restored is marked by its international scope, welcoming films and guests from all over Europe. Over six days we will present 21 films from 15 countries on the big screen, produced, passed down, and restored thanks to European cooperation. The program will feature new restorations, made possible by the lively exchange and cooperation between various European archives. These include a number of films from the silent era which will be shown for the first time in decades with live music to accompany them. The diverse program of film screenings is complemented with a range of presentations about restoration work, lectures, and panel discussions.

‘Love, Life and Laughter’, UK, 1923, directed by George Pearson
Source: British Film Institute
A European affair
This year’s festival is dedicated to the significant contribution that transnational cooperation in archiving and restoring has made to preserving film heritage. The long standing tradition of European coproductions will be shown by the selection of six films from the program, which were produced between 1932 and 1991. The forced exile of many German filmmakers due to the emergence of the Nazi dictatorship beginning in 1933, begat a variety of international production relationships. Examples are the films by the exiled directors G.W. Pabst and Leonard Steckel. The end of World War II in 1945 was a watershed in European history. In honor of the 75th anniversary of the end of global hostilities, four festival films deal with that “zero hour.” With films from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, and Croatia, the program also pays homage to the cinematographs of some of the Eastern European countries that have been part of the European Union since 2004.

‘Kuhle Wampe’ © Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek
Film Restored online
A number of festival films will be available for streaming on our website film-restored.de. From October 27 until November 10, thirteen films will be accessible in all of Germany and six in all of Europe. We also offer a bonus program with films that focus on the themes of the festival as well as individual introductions and speeches from the festival.
Lectures and discussions
Workshop report: “Filmerbe barrierefrei” / ‘Kuhle Wampe’, G 1932, directed by Slatan Dudow (in German)
27.10., 16:00, Franz Frank (Deutsche Kinemathek), Alexander Fichert (Audioskript), Jurek Sehrt (Deutsche Kinemathek) -
Opening (in German)
27.10., 19:00, Rainer Rother (Artistic Director, Deutsche Kinemathek), Martin Koerber (Audioviusal Heritage Department Head – Film, Deutsche Kinemathek) -
Introduction: ‘The Brilliant Biograph: Europe’s Earliest Moving Images (1897-1902)’, NL 1923, directed by Frank Roumen
28.10., 11:30, Frank Roumen (Eye Filmmuseum) -
Introduction: ‘Love, Life and Laughter’, GB 1923, directed by George Pearson
28.10., 11:30, Bryony Dixon (British Film Institute) -
Workshop report: Tatjana Ivančić
28.10., 16:00, Petra Belc (Kinoklub Zagreb), Nadja Šičarov (Österreichisches Filmmuseum) -
Workshop report / restoration: ‘Der Katzensteg’, G 1927, directed by Gerhard Lamprecht
28.10., 18:15, Julia Wallmüller (Deutsche Kinemathek) -
Panel discussion: “Film Heritage and Academic Studies”
29.10., 10:00, Dominique Willoughby (Université Paris 8), Simone Venturini (Università degli Studi di Udine), Floris Paalman (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Oliver Hanley (Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf), Chris Wahl (Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf), Julia Wallmüller (Deutsche Kinemathek) -
Introduction: ‘Hôtel des Acacias’, BE 1982, directed by Yves Hanchar, Pierre Charles Rochette, François Vanderveken, Isabelle Willems
29.10., 12:00, Gilles Bissot (INSAS) -
Workshop report: “Swedish Silent Film Heritage”
29.10., 14:00, Jon Wengström (Svenska Filminstitutet) -
Workshop report / restoration: ‘Extase’, CZ, AT 1933, directed by Gustav Machatý
29.10., 16:30, Jeanne Pommeau (Národní filmový archiv, Prague), Florian Wrobel (Filmarchiv Austria), Matěj Strnad (Národní filmový archiv, Prague) -
Introduction: ‘Golden Eighties’, BE, FR, CH 1986, directed by Chantal Akerman
29.10., 20:00, Bruno Mestdagh (Cinematek) -
Panel discussion: “Films in Their Own Right – Providing Access to Newsreels and Documentary Footage”
30.10., 10:00, Annabelle Shaw (British Film Institute), Leontien Bout (Eye Filmmuseum), Kerstin Herlt (DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum), Adelheid Heftberger (Bundesarchiv) -
Workshop report: “Ibsen and Silent Cinema: A Transnational Approach to National Film Heritage”
30.10., 13:30, Eirik Frisvold Hanssen (Nasjonalbiblioteket), Thor Holt (Centre for Ibsen Studies) -
Film talk: ‘Diese Briten, diese Deutschen. Zwei Filme – ein Dialog’, DDR/GB 1989, directed by Barbara Junge, Winfried Junge, Murray Martin (in German)
30.10., 17:00, Barbara and Winfried Junge, Philip Zengel (Defa Stiftung) -
Introduction: ‘Germania, anno zero’ IT/D (West) 1948, directed by Roberto Rossellini
30.10., 20:00, Gian Luca Farinelli (Cineteca di Bologna) -
Introduction: ‘Lola Montez’, D 1922, directed by Willi Wolff
30.10., 10:00, Oliver Hanley (Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf), Anke Mebold (DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum) -
Workshop report: “European Slapstick: The Pat and Patachon phenomenon”
31.10., 14:00, Mikael Braae (Det Danske Filminstitut), Jannie Dahl Astrup (Det Danske Filminstitut), Ulrich Rüdel (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin) -
Introduction: ‘Don Quichotte’, FR, GB 1933, directed by G. W. Pabst
31.10., 17:00, Hervé Pichard (La Cinémathèque française) -
Introduction: ‘Valahol Európában’, HU 1947, directed by Géza von Radvány
31.10., 20:00, György Ráduly (NFI Filmarchívum) -
Workshop report / restoration: ‘Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam’, D 1920, directed by Paul Wegener
1.11., 11:00, Anke Wilkening (film restorer) -
Introduction: ‘Die Venus vom Tivoli’, CH 1953, directed by Leonard Steckel
1.11., 14:00, Maral Mohsenin (Cinémathèque suisse) -
Introduction: ‘Akmens un šķembas’, LV (UDSSR) 1966, directed by Rolands Kalniņš
1.11., 16:30, Pēteris Sudakovs (Locomotive Classics) -
Introduction: ‘Europa’, DK, FR, G (West), SE 1991, directed by Lars von Trier
1.11., 19:00, Anke Hahn (Deutsche Kinemathek)
Partners and funding
Partners and funding
Organized by the Deutsche Kinemathek for the Kinematheksverbund
Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
The event is part of the Specialist and Culture Program of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media on the occassion of the German presidency of the European Council in 2020
The streaming website film-restored.de has been supported by funds from NEUSTART KULTUR.