Wir waren so frei… Momentaufnahmen 1989/1990
1.5. – 9.11.09
General information
What images do Germans keep at home as private memories of the revolution in the GDR and the fall of the Wall, what images of 9 November 1989 went around the world in international television coverage, and what images did German documentary filmmakers find for this period?
The development from the first protests against electoral fraud in the GDR local elections in May 1989 to the first all-German federal elections on 3 October 1990 was a process with an uncertain outcome at the time. This is illustrated by the many films, photographs and memories of those involved and observers of the events. They document surprising moments, enthusiastic or skeptical voices. But despite their diversity, they all have one thing in common: the boundless joy of freedom.
The exhibition uses photos, films and television to show the wealth of images from the turning point between May 1989 and December 1990.