Romy Schneider: Vienna – Berlin – Paris
5.12.09 – 29.8.10
General information
The exhibition "Romy Schneider: Vienna – Berlin – Paris" documented the eventful career of Romy Schneider, who no longer wanted to be "Sissi" at the end of the 1950s and was celebrated as a star of French cinema in the 1970s. The homage, which could be seen on an exhibition area of 450 square meters in the Filmhaus, focused on the actress's changing roles and image as well as her portrayal in the media. Images from film, press and private life were grouped according to recurring motifs and combined with film clips. Media installations showed the interplay between projection and active self-staging. Posters, costumes, correspondence and fan articles were also presented. Numerous photos of Romy Schneider, her film partners and her family from the 1950s and 1960s, hitherto largely unknown, came from the collections of the Deutsche Kinemathek. There were also loans from other institutions and private individuals, such as the photographers F. C. Gundlach and Robert Lebeck, as well as from the personal archive of the film director Claude Sautet.
A catalog accompanying the exhibition has been published by Henschel Verlag (in German).
A film series accompanying the exhibition was shown at the Arsenal cinema in March 2010.
The exhibition was under the patronage of the Governing Mayor of Berlin, Klaus Wowereit.