Drei Dschungeldetektive (ARD 1992–1993)
In the Jungle – An Exhibition for Children
4.6.10 – 27.3.11
Dark, green and impenetrable, wild and dangerous, a world with laws all its own – that’s how we imagine the jungle even though most of us have never been there. How come we have such strong images of something we aren’t even acquainted with? Where do these images come from? And what do they mean?
Everyone knows Tarzan’s AAA-EEE-AA-EEE-AAA cry. Or from the Jungle Book, Kaa the Snake with his mesmerizing “Trust in me”, Bagheera the Black Panther and Mowgli. Then there are the animals in the film Madagascar, and how they escape from the zoo and learn to survive in the jungle again. And on German television, the heroes of the series Hexe Lilli and Drei Dschungeldetektive all battle the dangers of the jungle.
Yet the exhibition has no intention of focusing just on the legends and tales of the jungle that have been told in moving pictures, but also on the fascinating images that wildlife filmmakers have brought back with them from the jungle. Last but not least, we want to explore the following questions: Where can we discover the jungle in our cities? Where do we encounter the jungle in everyday life? And why are we destroying the rainforest when it is so vital to our survival?