Pippi Longstocking (SE/FRG 1968–1971, directed by Ole Hellbom)
Heroes – An Exhibition for Children
29.3. – 21.10.12
People say that heroes have exceptional qualities, possess admirable skills, and act in the interest of the greater good. There are real-life and fictional heroes. Each generation redefines its heroes. Almost every day, the media report on new heroes and their deeds, and each week, on children’s television, in movies and in computer games, hundreds of them fight for a better world. But where do heroes come from? Why do we need them? This exhibition shows young visitors well-known American superheroes like Batman, Spider-Man or Superman. But the “Heroes” journey also takes them to India to meet Shaktimaan and Krrish; to Japan to meet Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind and Princess Mononoke; to Sweden to meet Pippi Longstocking; and to the Arab world and the heroes of The 99 and Ajaaj. And characters like Harry Potter, Princess Lilifee, and Vicky the Viking – along with many other heroes – display their unusual abilities with the help of film compilations, posters, computer games and photographs.
Visitors to the exhibition will also meet the “heroes next door”: other children who showed bravery or dared to do something outstanding. A look behind the scenes shows visitors how heroes are made, and how you can become a stunt kid or a costume designer, and why those people are so important for films and television series about heroes.
The exhibition
Photo/©: Marian Stefanowski -
The exhibition
Photo/©: Marian Stefanowski -
The exhibition
Photo/©: Marian Stefanowski -
The exhibition
Photo/©: Marian Stefanowski -
Sailor Moon (J 1992-1997)
Source: ZDF -
Wickie und die starken Männer (G 2009, directed by Michael „Bully" Herbig)
Krrish (IND 2006, directed by Rakesh Roshan)
Source: Rapid Eye Movies, Cologne
Information and Credits
Artistic Director: Dr. Rainer Rother
Curator: Gerlinde Waz
Project Management: Peter Mänz
Curatorial Assistance / Exhibition Coordination: Antje Materna
Licences / Exhibits: Philipp Keidl
Media Programme: Gerlinde Waz
Course of Knowledge: Regina Voss
Multimedia Terminal: Jan Drehmel
Conception "Cyberheroes": Andreas Lange, Peggy Sylopp
Conception "Costume Studio": Peter Mänz, Sabine Bartels
Exhibition Texts: Kristina Jaspers, Philipp Keidl, Peter Mänz, Vera Thomas, Nils Warnecke, Gerlinde Waz
Copy-Editing: Christina Walker
Scans: Julia Riedel
Conservational Supervision Works on Paper: Sabina Fernández
Conservational Supervision Textile: Barbara Schröter
Exhibition Design: Jebram-Szenografie, Berlin
Exhibition Construction: Stern Gestaltung, Haptokinetik, Berlin
Exhibition Graphics Design: Felder KölnBerlin
Advertising Graphics Design: Pentagram Design, Berlin
Model "Horse": Bärbel Schütz Plastik, Berlin
AV-Media Editing: Anette Fleming, Concept AV, Berlin
Technical Services Media: Stephan Werner
Technical Services: Roberti Siefert, Frank Köppke
IT: Steffen Bartsch, Jürgen Keiper
Communication: Tatjana Petersen, Heidi Berit Zapke, Sandra Hollmann, Jurek Sehrt
Financing: Uwe Meder-Seidel
Assistant: Anna Sudendorf
Intern: Isra Tami
Astrid Lindgrens Näs, Vimmerby (Sweden)
Mick Baltes, Duisburg
umm film GmbH, München
Clear Vision, Dortmund
Collection of Mike & Jeanne Glad, Modesto/Kalifornien (USA)
Computerspielemuseum, Berlin
Constantin Film Verleih GmbH, München
Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF e.V./Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt/M.
Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin
Diamond Comics (P) Ltd, Noida (India)
Tobias Dietrich, Oettingen
Maria Dimler, Munich/Berlin
Elbenwald.de, Cottbus
Uri Fink, Ramat HaSharon (Israel)
Luis Gantus, Mexiko-Stadt (Mexico)
Santiago García, Madrid (Spain)
Rolf Graupeter, Castrop-Rauxel
Dorit Maya Gur, Holon (Israel)
Hasbro Deutschland GmbH, Dreieich
Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität – Institut für Jugendbuchforschung, Frankfurt/M.
Joy Toy AG, Natz-Schabs (South Tyrol/Italy)
Ralf H. Kienzle, Stuttgart
KiKA – Der Kinderkanal von ARD und ZDF, Erfurt
LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre Berlin
The Lilly Library, Indiana University Bloomington, Indiana (USA)
LWL-Industriemuseum – Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Industriekultur, Dortmund
Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR), Leipzig
M/s. Bheeshm International, Mumbai (India)
Dietmar Müller, Leutkirch
Michael Netzer, Ofra (Israel)
L’Osservatore Romano, Vatikanzeitung, Rom
Paramount Home Entertainment Germany GmbH, Unterföhring
Gio Paredes, Quezon City (Philippines)
Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation, Tutzing
Rapid Eye Movies HE GmbH, Cologne
Rat Pack Filmproduktion GmbH, Munich
Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb), Berlin/Babelsberg
Space-Figuren.de, Deiningen
Square Enix GmbH, Hamburg
Studio 100 Media GmbH, Munich
Super RTL / RTL Disney Fernsehen GmbH & Co. KG, Cologne
Ibrahem Swaid, Dubai (VAE)
Katrin Tamme, Neuperlach
taz Panter Stiftung, Berlin
Tele München Fernseh-GmbH & Co. Produktionsgesellschaft, Munich
Teshkeel Media Group, Kuwait – New York/USA
Theaterkunst GmbH Kostümausstattung, Berlin
TOBIS Film GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin
TRIXTER Film GmbH, Munich
Universum Film Home Entertainment, Munich
Warner Bros. Consumer Products, Hamburg
Warner Home Video Germany, Hamburg
Watani, Dubai (VAE)
Anke Winckler, Munich
WunderWerk GmbH, Unterföhring
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (ZDF), Mainz
Special thanks to:
Wolfgang Daschner, Joachim A. Lang, Daniel Borck (Brody Associates), Chris Ede, Susanne Franke (Theaterkunst), Marion Jenke, Christoph H. Kuhnheim, Annette Kusche (TRIAD), Frank Pick (RTL Kommunikation), Stephan Rabold, Hubert Riedel, Jumana Rizwan (FremantleMedia), Ursula Rohloff, Evi Scherrer (FTA), Maria Schicker, Birgit Scholz (Filmmuseum Potsdam), Caroline von Senden (ZDF), Georg Simbeni, Thomas Stammer, Reinold E. Thiel, Gerrit Thies, Ingrid Zoré
UFA GmbH: Ute Biernat, Janine Friedrich, Maja Genowa, Marion Jenke, Anja Käumle, Kirstin Krause, Katja Rentsch, Katharina Schwarz
UFA LAB: Christian Kosta-Zahn, Katharina Schwarz
Deutsche Telekom
Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
and all of our colleagues at the Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen.
The Deutsche Kinemathek is sponsored by
Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien
In collaboration with
veolia Wasser
With kind support of
KIKA von ARD und ZDF
rbb Fernsehen
Media partners
tip Berlin
KIEK MAL Die Berliner Kinderzeitung