In 2019, the German federal government, states, and the FFA (Filmförderungsanstalt) started financing the digitization of cinematic heritage to the tune of 10 million € annually. This panel introduces the program’s aims, guidelines, and application procedures, followed by a discussion between applicants, copyright holders, film archivists, and technical service providers on initial experiences with the program.
Keynote by Claudia Zeitler (FFA), panel discussion with Laura Holtorf (Wim Wenders Foundation), Peter Fries (Omnimago, Ingelheim), Martin Koerber (Deutsche Kinemathek, Berlin), Thomas Worschech (DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum, Frankfurt)
Presenter: Christiane Peitz (Tagesspiegel)
Kino Arsenal | Admisson 8 €, free of charge with filmrestored [at] (subject: Registration) (Festival–Registration)