D 1932, directed by Slatan Dudow
Restored version from 2020 | With open audio description in German
Introduction: Jörg Becker (historian, film publicist, and education officer)
“Who is supposed to change the world?” – “Well, those who don’t like it.”
‘Kuhle Wampe’, the most significant proletarian film of the Weimar Republic, ends with a powerful appeal. The film portrays the struggles of a working-class family in Berlin: unemployment, discontinued social benefits, eviction, and an unplanned pregnancy. Young Anni finds her way into the communist movement. The film set stylistic benchmarks with its use of Brechtian alienation effects, striking montage, and Hanns Eisler’s music. The ‘Solidarity Song’ became a classic of the labor movement.
Accessible Cinema Experience: Zeughauskino offers support for visitors with visual impairments, both in preparation and during the screening. Contact: zeughauskino [at] dhm.de
An event as part of “Ohren auf! Inklusives Kino … mit Hörfilm” – in collaboration with Zeughauskino and the General Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired Berlin (ABSV).