This video is part of a previous streaming program and unfortunately no longer available online.

... or the factory will come to a standstill

… sonst steht ja der Betrieb hier still, FRG 1973, directed by Jörg Gför, Wolfgang Jung, Walter Krieg, 61 min, German without subtitles, rated: 0

Can self-government save a workforce from unemployment? In 1972, staff of the bankrupt concrete and cast stone plant BEKU in Franconia auctioned off the company with the help of borrowed capital. Four months later, three DFFB students filmed this experiment and encountered frustration, helplessness and a lack of solidarity among the employees. Interviews with a worker called Rosa are particularly memorable. With her sharp observations and strident voice, she speaks proudly about her hard work and exposes the management’s absurd demands and bad decisions. 

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