The Man Who Replaced Grandma

‘Der Mann, der nach der Oma kam’, GDR 1971, directed by Roland Oehme, 93 min, German with no subtitles, rated: 6

Günter and Gudrun Piesold are a hardworking couple. Grandma is responsible for the household and children — until one day she gets married and renounces her role. When chaos breaks out, as a result, the Piesolds place an ad for a new house help. A young man applies, and this time, confusion ensues. Graffunda is charming, intelligent, and energetic; he organizes the household and gives the neighbors plenty to gossip about. With humor and a playful reversal of gender roles, the film became one of DEFA’s most successful comedies and still enjoys cult status today.

Featuring: Winfried Glatzeder, Rolf Herricht, Marita Böhme, Katrin Martin, Rolf Kuhlbach, Ilse Voigt, Herbert Köfer

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  • ‘Im Staub der Sterne’, GDR 1976, directed by Gottfried Kolditz, 96 min, with English subtitles, rated: 6

  • ‘Serenade für zwei Spione’, FRG 1965, directed by Michael Pfleghar, Alberto Cardone, 85 min, German without subtitles, rated: 16