Anita – Dances of Vice

‘Anita – Tänze des Lasters’, FRG 1978, directed by Rosa von Praunheim, 87 min, with English subtitles, rated: 16 

In 1920s Berlin, nude art dancer Anita Berber caused a scandal with her unconventional and uncompromising presence. In retrospect, she represents the ideal of these wild times marked by war, inflation, sexual liberation, and intoxication. Rosa von Praunheim frames his homage to this radical actress through the story of Anita as an old woman who is confined to a psychiatric hospital. The patient, played by cult actress Lotti Huber, thinks she is Anita Berber. Her memories draw on the imagery of expressionist silent film, presented in strong visual language by camerawoman Elfi Mikesch.

Featuring: Lotti Huber, Ina Blum, Mikael Honesseau, Rosa von Praunheim

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  • FRG 1982, directed by Lothar Lambert, 89 min, with English subtitles, rated: 16

  • FRG 1982, directed by Elfi Mikesch, 88 min, with English subtitles, rated: 18 

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