Loriot – Vicco von Bülow zum 85. Geburtstag
6.11.08 – 13.4.09
General information
For half a century, Vicco von Bülow has influenced everyday life and cultural life in Germany with his humor like no other. With his drawings, his prose and poetry, his dramatic works and his speeches, but above all with his television sketches (1967 to 2003), he wrote himself into the biographies and hearts of many people under the stage name Loriot.
In this context, he repeatedly scrutinized three themes: the lack of communication skills in society, especially between women and men; the relationship between humans and animals; and the question of what our lives have to do with the achievements of so-called high culture, the fine arts, especially music, literature and painting.
The exhibition took up all these themes over three floors. It made it clear what makes Loriot's humor so special. That is why it also looked over the artist's shoulder, as it were, as he created his works. She showed the precision and perfection with which Loriot works. She talked about how the artist's extraordinary life and special world view combine with the seemingly completely unspectacular lives of his fellow human beings - never gloating, but with a keen eye for the tragicomic sides of life and the chaos that lurks behind every attempt to put the world in order. And she accompanied the artist on his repeated excursions into the world of cinema, opera and classical music.