Photo/©: Hayyan al-Yousouf
Forgotten City – Deir Ezzor
12.4. – 1.5.16
The exhibition presents Hayyan Al-Yousouf’s photographs and film recordings of Deir Ezzor, the largest city in eastern Syria. Al-Yousouf (b. 1980), who holds a degree as an agricultural engineer, documented everyday life in his hometown from 2011–14, while militias of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) fought against government troops. Peaceful protests triggered these fights with which the people of Deir Ezzor had opposed the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in 2011. In the interim, parts of the city are now occupied by the so-called Islamic State. The armed conflicts have claimed a great number of victims, including the civilian population. Much of Deir Ezzor has been destroyed and it is cut off from resources to a great extent. Many of the city’s residents have fled, becoming refugees.
Through his images, Hayyan Al-Yousouf reveals a side of the war in Syria that is largely unknown in Europe. By 2011 he had already founded the network “Deir Ezzor Coordination” along with several photojournalists; a group that made it its task to document violence and violations of human rights to which the Syrian population was and continues to be exposed. This work led to Hayyan Al-Yousouf’s arrest. Together with three friends, he later fled to Germany via the “Balkan route” in 2014.
The exhibition is augmented by an additional photographic point of view. While Al-Yousouf was seeking political asylum in Germany, the photojournalist Ann-Christine Jansson documented his experiences in a photo series titled Hayyan Waiting.
Free admission.
Photos, film recordings, texts: Hayyan Al-Yousouf
Photos Hayyan Waiting: Ann-Christine Jansson
Curators: Ann-Christine Jansson, Hayyan Al-Yousouf, Antje Materna
Exhibition coordination: Peter Mänz
Editing: Karin Herbst-Meßlinger
English translations: Wendy Wallis, transART, Berlin
Photographic prints: Zoche Imaging, Berlin
Exhibition graphics: Winnes Rademächers, Felder KölnBerlin
Poster: Pentagram Design, Berlin
Exhibition construction and presentation: Ingrid Jebram, Berlin; stern...gestaltung, Berlin
Editing of the audiovisual media: Oliver Holz
Media installations: Stephan Werner
Technical Services: Frank Köppke, Roberti Siefert
Head of Communications: Andrea Wickleder
Marketing: Linda Mann
Press Office: Heidi Berit Zapke
Special thanks to
Deir Ezzor Coordination Team
Ann-Christine Jansson
Helmut Kolbach
Sylvie Schimm, Prof. Dr. Peter Bexte, David Bexte
Dr. Sebastian Prüfer
Hanna Sjöberg
Judith Lehniger
taz. die tageszeitung
Kindly supported by
Zoche Imaging
The Deutsche Kinemathek is supported with special funds from
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien