Source: Deutsche Kinemathek
Meet Berlin Filmmakers
Museumsdienst Berlin
+49 30 247 49-888
museumsdienst [at] kulturprojekte.berlin (museumsdienst[at]kulturprojekte[dot]berlin)
20 persons or a school class.
ca. 120 minutes
€ 150 / school classes: € 80
Filmmakers from Berlin share insights into their work with you. Based on a film, a series or any kind of audiovisual work, which you will watch together, you can learn all about their work and their personal process of film production: from the initial idea, to the development of the material and the production. Furthermore, the different crafts of film production like directing, camera and editing are explained. Among others, we offer programs with a focus on documentary, animation, children’s or feature film as well as series or artistic video formats.
The content and scope of the programs can be adapted to your wishes.