“Alex” the film star
Museumsdienst Berlin
+49 30 247 49-888
museumsdienst [at] kulturprojekte.berlin (museumsdienst[at]kulturprojekte[dot]berlin)
Up to 15 people or a maximum of 20 students
120-150 min
€180 for groups, €80 for school classes
On this walking tour, we’ll explore Germany’s most famous square together! Bustling city life in the heart of Berlin, the rapid convergence of diverse life paths, and the area’s striking architecture have made Alexanderplatz one of the city’s most popular film locations. “Alex” has inspired both literature and film (‘Berlin Alexanderplatz’) and, together with the grand buildings of Karl-Marx-Allee, provides an impressive historical backdrop for cinematic glimpses into the Weimar era (‘Babylon Berlin’), the Peaceful Revolution (‘Good Bye, Lenin’), and even Moscow (‘The Queen’s Gambit’).