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‘Kameradschaft’, GER 1931, directed by G.W. Pabst, 88 min, with English subtitles, rated: 12 

In a coal mine near the French-German border, an accident occurs, burying French miners. Risking their lives, miners of both nations work together to rescue their fellow men, despite resentment and hostilities towards each other that have persisted since World War I. The film is impressive for its claustrophobic shots inside the mine and the realistic depiction of the miners’ milieu. It is also a plea for friendly understanding between nations against the backdrop of rising National Socialism. 

Featuring: Alexander Granach, Fritz Kampers, Ernst Busch, Daniel Mendaille, Marguerite Debos, Elisabeth Wendt, Gustav Püttjer, Hélèna Manson, Oskar Höcker, Andrée Ducret