Photo//©: Marian Stefanowski
Camera database
To the Camera Database (in German)
Project Page
The Camera database indexes almost 850 historical film characters as found in the largest public museums and collections in Germany.
Among the holdings it references:
- Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum für Film und Fernsehen Berlin
- Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF/Filmmuseum Frankfurt
- Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin
- Filmmuseum Düsseldorf
- Filmmuseum Potsdam
The collection has several goals. First, it seeks to draw broader attention to these underappreciated archival treasures. Second, it establishes a foundation of information to plug a known research gap in the field of film studies. Film technology is without doubt one of the few underexplored chapters of media history. The database represents a first step toward comprehensive documentation of film-technical museum collections in Germany. In the future, all manners of devices (including those for film production and film editing) will be incorporated into the joint project for presentation online.